1. The Architectural Development Method (ADM) is being followed to develop the underlying architecture of CyberTrade.

4. The Information Systems Architecture (ISA) defines the applications and data that will be created to provide CyberTrade services.

2. A holistic approach is being taken to ensure that a variety of viewpoints are considered at every stage of development

5. The Technology Architecture describes the logical and physical technology components used to support the Information Systems Architecture.

3. The Business Architecture supports a yield generating Decentralised Autonomous Organisation / crypto ecosystem.

6. Architecture realisation encompasses both a) Opportunities, Solutions and planning and b) Implementation Governance, required to realise CyberTrade.


CyberTrade - Architecture Development


TOGAF Architecture Development Method (ADM)

CyberTrade is using formal/professional methods to establish its open and democratic nature of its financial instruments.

This includes defining the overall DAO vision, the opportunities available within the scope of each financial instrument and planning / coordnating actions for success.

The ADM helps define the architecture required to enable CyberTrade to deliver future DAOs and their financial instruments.

Holistic Approach

CyberTrade is designing its systems using the TOGAF methodology and framework in which the overall architecture is developed within the context of 4 architecture types.

Business Architecture
Application Architecture
Data Architecture
Technology Architecture

Taken together, this will ensure that the actual trading services are set into the appropriate business and technological contexts.

CyberTrade - Decentralised Intelligent Arbitrage (Decentia)

Principles, Vision & Requirements

The CyberTrade Architecture vision comprises:

Business Strategy
Technology Strategy
Business Principle Objectives and Drivers
Architecture Vision

Ultimately, each component feeds into the CyberTrade requirements backlog which is used to prioritise and execute future actions.

Business Architecture

CyberTrade is aware that it is creating a new type of business ecosystem. Business Architecture is therefore considered from the perspectives of:


The Business Architecture is used to identify and demonstrate to stakeholders, the return on investment available from investing in specific areas / DeFi financial instruments.

By conducting the Business Architecture analysis, CyberTrade ensures that investment of resources is aimed at the most important areas and that a viable and coherent business emerges.

CyberTrade - Decentralised Intelligent Arbitrage (Decentia)

Information Systems Architecture

CyberTrade uses Information Systems Architecture (ISA) to develop the 'target architecture' in both the Data and application domains.

The data and the applications are developed using a data-driven approach.

Implementation occurs using a top-down design and a bottom-up implementation.

The output of the Information Systems Architecture work is a 'Baseline' Target Architecture and a number of architecture views from stakeholder points of view.

Feedback from work conducted during ISA , updates the business requirements.


Technology Architecture

CyberTrade conducts Technology Architecture to form the basis of the technical implementation work that follows.

For complex projects / financial analysis, a detailed 7-step process is used to arrive at a detailed view of the target technical architecture.

CyberTrade - Decentralised Intelligent Arbitrage (Decentia)

Architecture Realisation

The CyberTrade architecture is being realised by combining:

Opportunities, Solution and Planning
Implementation Governance

Taken together, these enable CyberTrade to deliver its trading instruments via a robust architecture which is secure, scalable, performant and efficient.


The primary role of the business architecture is to ensure that the business objectives are identified for delivery.


The role of the technical architecture is to ensure that the technology adequately supports the business objectives


Governance is applied to help ensure that each project / financial instrument has a fair and democratic process for managing future issues.

CyberTrade - Crypto Trading Services